Call for Submission – LegalCyfle

Call For Articles and Research Papers by LegalCyfle

LegalCyfle is pleased to announce a call for articles and research papers on socio-legal topics and issues. As a platform dedicated to promoting legal department and fostering discussions on pertinent legal matters, we invite submissions from legal practitioners, academicians, researchers, and students.


LegalCyfle is an online platform, run by a group of passionate lawyers, which aims to provide legal education and updates. The goal is to disseminate the legal knowledge and provide the best of the legal contents, suggestions and solutions such as article publication, internships and opportunities. The platform designed by the LegalCyfle also publishes views and opinions of guest authors under the head, “Articles”


In general, Law students, academicians as well as practitioners are eligible for the submission but students from non-law background who is inclined to write on socio-legal topics and issues are also welcomed.


The theme of the submission is on a wide range of “Socio-legal topics and issues” including but not limited to:

  • Constitutional Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Civil Law
  • International Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Human Rights Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Corporate Law
  • Legal Technology
  • Contemporary social issues
  • Ongoing political debates
  • Emerging AI & Law

Submission Categories

The submission has the below categories only-

  • Short Articles – for about 1000-2500 words
  • Long Articles – for about 2500-4000 words
  • Research Paper – for about 4000-10000 words


  • Law Notes – of minimum 1500 words
  • Case analysis – of minimum 1000 words
  • Book review (Legal field) – of minimum 1000words

Formatting Guidelines

Authors are requested to format their work for readability. Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to break up the text. Include images, videos, or other multimedia if relevant.

And all the work has to be shared in word format only.

  1. Submission Guidelines
  • Originality: We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarized or duplicate or AI generated content will not be considered. In no case, the submission shall exceed 15% plagiarism.
  • Quality: We value high-quality writing that is engaging, well-researched, and well-written. Proofread your content for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors before submission.
  • Attribution: If you include any statistics, quotes, or references, make sure to properly attribute them to the original source. Provide links to credible sources whenever possible. All the references should follow the Indian Law Institute (ILI) citation style.
  • Images: If you include images in your post, ensure that you have the right to use them. Provide proper attribution for images that are not your own and include image captions where necessary.
  • Author Bio: Include a brief author bio (2-3 sentences) and a professional photograph at the end of your post. You may include a link to your personal website or social media profiles.

Submission Deadline

All the submission should be done by 20th June 2024.

Submission Procedure

Send your work as a Word document to with the subject line “LegalCyfle Publication – [Submission category – Title]”. Include any relevant images as attachments or provide links to them within the document. Also provide your contact information. We will review your submission and get back to you.

Contact Information 

For any queries or doubts you may contact at

See full brochure – LegalCyfle – Call for Submission

For visiting official website – LegalCyfle – iuris occasio omnibus



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