Call For Paper: At MLAJ

MLAJ is inviting long articles, short articles and case comments, particularly manuscripts having a multidisciplinary approach, for its Volume I Issue II. 

About Multidisciplinary Legal Affairs Journal

The Multidisciplinary Legal Affairs Journal (MLAJ) is an online monthly journal that covers contemporary affairs related to law and allied disciplines. The multidisciplinary approach fosters a much-needed growth in legal research. Academics, legal professionals, law students and others across the globe are welcome.

MLAJ is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal. With experienced and well-known individuals in the Editorial Board of MLAJ, the manuscripts will be in good hands. This journal has been launched to give a perfect medium to express varied viewpoints, and will undoubtedly prove to be an invaluable platform.


Any topic or issue relating to law or any other related discipline can be sent for publication in MLAJ. The journal fosters a multidisciplinary approach in the field of law and related subjects. 

Perks of getting published in MLAJ

1. Hard Copy of book: Selected articles from this Special Issue will be published in the form of a book with ISBN, from a reputable publisher.

2. Indexing: MLAJ is indexed in reputable databases like Google Scholar, Zenodo and others.

3. Free DOI (Digital Object Identifier): A DOI is a string of numbers, letters, and symbols used to permanently identify an article or document and its link on the web. All works published in MLAJ are assigned a free DOI which helps readers easily locate a document from the citation.

4. Certificate of Publication: Each author will be provided with an e-Certificate of Publication. This will serve as proof of publication in the journal.

5. Certificate of Excellence: The top three authors in each issue will be provided with an e-Certificate of Excellence each, to recognize them for their exceptional efforts, and writing skills.

6. Internship Opportunity: The top authors in each issue will be provided, subject to availability, with internship opportunities as researchers and guest authors for the MLAJ Law Blog section, and other related tasks.

7. Opportunity to Work as Student Editors: The top authors will be provided with an opportunity to work as student editors at MLAJ based on their qualifications and skills, subject to the availability of slots.


Academics, legal professionals, law students and others, across the globe, with an interest in the field of law and related disciplines can submit their unpublished original works.

How to Submit

Interested persons may submit their works by: 

Click here to Submit  & follow the instructions given, attach files and submit.

Submission Deadline

May 2, 2024

Submission Categories

  • Long Articles: 4000-8000 words including footnotes.
  • Short Articles: 2000-4000 words including footnotes.
  • Case Comments: 1000-2000 words including footnotes.

Note: The journal editors may relax the word limit in exceptional cases.

Formatting Guidelines

Send the manuscript as a Word document only (.doc or .docx) and not PDF.

The body of the manuscript should have justified alignment, in Times New Roman style, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes in Times New Roman Style, Size 10, with 1.0 line spacing. All headings must have uniform formatting.

All footnotes should conform to the Bluebook 20th Edition.

Important Instructions

1. Long articles and short articles must include an Abstract. The abstract should not exceed 300 words, including 3-5 keywords.

2. A work may be authored by up to 4 authors (including primary author). Please mention full names.

3. Any form of plagiarism will result in rejection of the submission (except the accepted level of up to 10%).

4. Only unpublished original works may be submitted and they must not be pending for review before any other journal.  The work should not be submitted anywhere else while in the process of review with MLAJ.

By submitting manuscript to MLAJ, the author(s) agree to the Declaration: “I/we declare that the manuscript is an original and previously unpublished work authored by me/us, and is not pending for consideration elsewhere. I/we would be solely responsible for any dispute arising out of my/our manuscript including copyright, defamation, objectionable content or contempt and agree to face the consequences, if any, caused by any violation of copyright or any other rights by me/us.” 

Note: Once the work is published, copyright over the manuscript shall vest with MLAJ.

Publication Charges

  • INR 800 for a Sole Author Manuscript.
  • INR 1200 for Co-authored Manuscripts (Max. 2, including the primary author).
  • INR 1600 for Manuscripts authored by 3 to 4 persons (Max. 4, including the primary author).
  • For Foreign Authors (outside India): USD 40

Note: The charges are to be paid after acceptance of the manuscript.

Contact Info

For any queries, please whatsapp at +91 8826292234 or email to:



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