Internship opportunity at the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change

About the Ministry

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) is the nodal agency in the administrative structure of the Central Government for the planning, promotion, co-ordination and overseeing the implementation of India’s environmental and forestry policies and programmes.

About the Internship

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has an Internship Scheme for students and the Scheme seeks to engage students with Graduation/Post Graduation
Degrees as well as Research Scholars enrolled in recognized University/ln slilution within India or abroad, as “interns”. These ‘/interns” shall be inducted all over the
country in various Divisions/Units of the Ministry, its Integrated Regional Offices, Autonomous Organisations, Subordinate Offices, ENVIS (Resource Partners & Hubs).


Applicants pursuing Graduation or Post-Graduation or Research Work from any recognized university/institution within India or abroad shall be eligible.

Period: The period of Internship shall not exceed 3 months (June-Spetember).

Procedure for Applicants:
Interested Applicants may apply online only in the address link to be indicated in the website of Ministry for internship. Interns must also clearly indicate the area of interest. The interns shall have the option to apply in one Discipline only. In case, any application/applications is/are received for nomination in more than one Disciplines, then ii will be the prerogative of the Ministry to nominate the Discipline from the Disciplines mentioned by the intern.
At the time of joining on selection, Applicants shall be required to produce a letter from their Supervisor/Head of Department/Principal, indicating their status in the Institution and “No Objection” for allowing their student to undergo Internship programme for the period for which he or she is selected.

Stipend disbursement:
The quantum of stipend to be paid to the Interns shall be Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) per month.

Applying deadline:


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