Citizenship in India: A Comprehensive Study

Introduction The term “citizenship” is not explicitly defined in the Constitution of India. Citizenship refers to the connection between an individual and the nation-state, granting individuals social and political rights in exchange for fulfilling specific duties owed to the State. It signifies the legal recognition of an individual as a lawful citizen of a particular […]

7 mins read

Mohori Bibee vs Dharmodas Ghose

Mohori Bibee vs Dharmodas Ghose Case Citation: 7CWN441; (1903)L.R. 30 I.A. 114; 30M.I.A.114; Date of Judgment: 4 March 1903 Court: Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Appealed from: High Court of Judicature at Fort William Parties to Suit Plaintiff: Dharmodas Ghose, Minor Mohori Bibee, Wife of Brahmo Dutt and his legal representative of the case. […]

14 mins read

Nationality in International Law: Definitions, Importance, and Legal Developments

Introduction: Nationality is a fundamental concept in international law, serving as the legal bond between an individual and a state. It determines membership in a state, confers certain rights and protections, and imposes specific obligations. Despite its importance, the lack of uniformity in state laws regarding nationality has historically led to significant challenges, including statelessness […]

6 mins read

Schools of Hindu Law: A brief note

Introduction Hindu law, deeply rooted in religious texts and traditions, governs the personal and familial aspects of Hindus in India. While codification has provided a uniform framework, the uncodified areas still retain the influence of historical schools of thought. The two primary schools, Mitakshara and Dayabhaga, reflect diverse interpretations of ancient texts and are significant […]

3 mins read

Functionaries Under the Code of Criminal Procedure

Introduction  The criminal justice system in India is a complex framework involving various key functionaries who play pivotal roles in maintaining law and order, ensuring justice, and upholding the rule of law. These functionaries include the police, prosecutors, defence counsel, and prison authorities. This chapter explores their functions, organization, and the legal provisions governing them. […]

7 mins read