Understanding the Formation of Contracts


Akhlaqur Rahman

4 min read • 10:13 AM - May 11, 2024


Introduction: In the realm of law, contracts play a pivotal role in governing the relationships between parties, ensuring clarity, obligations, and remedies in case of breaches. Understanding the formation of contracts is fundamental to grasping the legal framework that governs agreements between individuals and entities.


A contract means an agreement which is enforceable by law. An agreement consists of reciprocal promises between the two parties. In case of contract each party is legally bound by the promise made by him. A contract or an obligation to perform a promise may arise in the following way-

I. By Agreement and Contract;

II. By Standard Form Contract; and

III. By Promissory Estoppel.

I. Agreement and Contract: The cornerstone of contract formation lies in mutual agreement between parties. An agreement is essentially a meeting of minds, where parties express their willingness to be bound by certain terms. This agreement becomes legally enforceable when it meets the criteria laid down by law. Typically, this involves one party making an offer and the other party accepting it. Once accepted, the agreement becomes a contract, and both parties are legally bound by the promises made therein.

II. Standard Form Contracts: In contemporary times, the complexity and volume of transactions have led to the emergence of standard form contracts. These contracts are pre-drafted by one party, usually entities like Railways, Insurance Companies, or Banks, and presented to the other party on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. While some may argue that such contracts lack the element of negotiation, they are still recognized as valid contracts under the law. However, challenges and issues may arise in standard form contracts, necessitating a nuanced understanding of their implications.

III. Promissory Estoppel: In certain scenarios, the formation of a contract may not follow the traditional path of offer and acceptance. Promissory estoppel, an equitable doctrine, comes into play in such situations. This doctrine holds that a person making a promise may become legally bound by that promise, even in the absence of a formal agreement or contract. Promissory estoppel operates to prevent injustice where one party relies on the promise of another to their detriment.

Key Considerations in Contract Formation: 1. Mutual Agreement: The foundation of any contract is mutual agreement between parties, signifying their intent to be bound by the terms. 2. Offer and Acceptance: The offer made by one party must be met with a clear and unconditional acceptance by the other party for a contract to be formed. 3. Consideration: Contracts must involve a lawful consideration exchanged between parties, demonstrating the exchange of value. 4. Legal Capacity: Parties entering into contracts must have the legal capacity to do so, ensuring competency and voluntariness. 5. Compliance with Legal Requirements: Contracts must comply with legal requirements and not be expressly declared void by law.

Challenges and Implications: - Standard form contracts may raise concerns regarding the imbalance of bargaining power between parties, leading to potential exploitation or unfair terms. - Promissory estoppel, while serving as a tool for justice, requires careful consideration to prevent abuse or misuse in legal proceedings.

Conclusion: The formation of contracts is a multifaceted process that encompasses various legal principles and doctrines. Whether through mutual agreement, standard form contracts, or promissory estoppel, the underlying objective remains the same – to create legally binding relationships that uphold rights, obligations, and fairness. A comprehensive understanding of contract formation is indispensable for navigating the complexities of modern transactions and ensuring equitable outcomes for all parties involved.


Dr. R.K. Bangia, Principles of Mercantile Law.


Written By Akhlaqur Rahman



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