Submit Post

Welcome to LegalCyfle 

1. Article/Blog/Law Notes/Case Analysis Submission Guidelines

Thank you for considering submitting a post to our platform. We’re excited to collaborate with you and feature your work. To ensure the best possible experience for both writers and readers, please review the following guidelines before submitting your post:

  • Originality: We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarized or duplicate or AI generated content will not be considered. And authors also have to submit a plagiarism report (for articles only), of not more than 15%, as well.
  • Quality: We value high-quality writing that is engaging, well-researched, and well-written. Proofread your content for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors before submission.
  • Length: Aim for a word count of minimum 2000words. However, we prioritize substance over length, so make sure your post is comprehensive and informative.
  • Formatting: Please format your post for readability. Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to break up the text. Include images, videos, or other multimedia if relevant.
  • Attribution: If you include any statistics, quotes, or references, make sure to properly attribute them to the original source. Provide links to credible sources whenever possible. All the references should follow the Indian Law Institute (ILI) citation style.
  • Images: If you include images in your post, ensure that you have the right to use them. Provide proper attribution for images that are not your own and include image captions where necessary.
  • Author Bio: Include a brief author bio (2-3 sentences) and a professional photograph at the end of your post. You may include a link to your personal website or social media profiles.
  • Submission Process: Send your post as a Word document or Google Doc to with the subject line “Guest Post Submission – [Your Post Title]”. Include any relevant images as attachments or provide links to them within the document. We will review your submission and get back to you.
  • Editing: We reserve the right to edit your post for clarity, grammar, and formatting. We’ll notify you of any significant changes before publishing.
  • Exclusivity: Once your post is published on our blog, we request that you do not republish it elsewhere. You may, however, share a link to the published post on your own website or social media platforms.
  • Certificates: Certificates shall be issued against articles only. Although, the credit or author’s profile after each post is for all type of posts, articles, blogs, Law Notes, etc.
  • By submitting a post to LegalCyfle, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to abide by these guidelines. We look forward to receiving your submission and working with you to create valuable content for our readers.

Happy writing!

2. Format/Guidelines for posting internship and other opportunities.

The prior objective of LegalCyfle is to disseminate the notification of legal internships and other legal opportunities to the law students at the earliest. So, any of such notification from any organisation, college, law-firm or advocate will be highly appreciated. However, you are requested to provide the below details for convenience and clarity.

  • A short intro about you or your organisation and also about the opportunity.

  • Eligibility and other guidelines pertaining to the same.

  • Deadline and contact info.

  • Application/Submission/Registration or other relevant procedure.

  • Brochure or any official link.

*For any query or doubt, please feel free to contact us on