Methods of Interpretation under the Interpretation of Statutes


Akhlaqur Rahman

11 min read • 07:51 AM - May 20, 2024



Statutory interpretation is a fundamental aspect of judicial function, critical to ensuring that the legislative intent is effectively realized. The interpretation of statutes involves various methods that judges employ to discern and apply the law as intended by the legislature. This note will explore the three primary methods of interpretation: the Literal or Plain Meaning Rule, the Golden Rule, and the Mischief Rule, along with the nuances and applications of each method. Additionally, it will delve into the role of internal and external aids in statutory interpretation, providing a comprehensive overview of how these methods guide judicial decisions.

Literal or Plain Meaning Rule

The Literal or Plain Meaning Rule is the most straightforward method of interpretation, focusing on the exact words used in the statute. This method holds that if the language of the statute is clear and unambiguous, the courts must apply the words in their ordinary sense, regardless of whether the outcome seems absurd or unjust. This approach was famously articulated by Jervin C.J. in Abley v. Dale:

"If the precise words used are plain and unambiguous, in our judgment, we are bound to construe them in their ordinary sense even though it does lead, in our view of the case, to an absurdity or manifest injustice."

The principle behind the Literal Rule is that the words of the statute best express the intention of the legislature. Dias, however, highlights two critical issues with this rule: 1. Assumed Intent: There is an assumption that by adhering to the words alone, courts are upholding the legislative intent. This presumption can be problematic as it bypasses any deeper inquiry into the legislature's purpose. 2. Plainness of Words: Determining whether a word is "plain" or unambiguous can be inherently challenging, given the dynamic nature of language.

Dias offers five explanatory guidelines to refine the application of the Literal Rule: 1. Special Meanings: Statutes may provide specific definitions for certain terms, often found in an interpretation section. 2. Technical Terms: Technical words should be interpreted using their usual technical meanings unless otherwise specified by the statute. 3. No Implied Words: Words will not be added by implication; the statute must be interpreted as it is written. 4. Changing Meanings: Words can change in meaning over time, and this evolution must be considered. 5. Contextual Significance: Words derive significance from their context within the statute.

While the Literal Rule prioritizes textual clarity and simplicity, it can lead to rigid and sometimes unjust outcomes, necessitating the use of more flexible interpretive methods in certain situations.

Golden Rule

The Golden Rule provides a more flexible approach than the Literal Rule by allowing deviations from the plain meaning of the text to avoid absurdity or inconsistency. This rule acknowledges that while courts should generally adhere to the grammatical and ordinary sense of words, they must also consider the statute's overall intent and avoid outcomes that are absurd or contradictory.

In Grey v. Pearson, Lord Wensleydale articulated this principle:

"In construing wills and indeed statutes and all written instruments the grammatical ordinary sense of the words is to be adhered to unless that would lead to some absurdity, or some repugnance or inconsistency with the rest of the instrument, in which case the grammatical and ordinary sense of the words may be modified so as to avoid that absurdity and inconsistency, but no further."

Similarly, in Luke v. Inland Revenue Commissioners, Lord Reid emphasized the importance of aligning the interpretation with legislative intent to achieve reasonable results:

"To apply the words literally is to defeat the obvious intention of the legislature and to produce a wholly unreasonable result. To achieve the obvious intention and to produce a reasonable result we must do some violence to the words."

The Golden Rule allows courts to modify the literal interpretation to align with the statute's purpose, avoiding outcomes that are illogical or unjust. This method reflects a balance between adhering to the text and ensuring that the interpretation aligns with legislative intent and practical sense.

Mischief Rule

The Mischief Rule, also known as the Rule in Heydon’s Case, directs courts to consider the intent behind the statute by examining four key questions: 1. What was the common law before the making of the Act? 2. What was the mischief and defect for which the common law did not provide? 3. What remedy hath Parliament resolved and appointed to cure the disease of the Commonwealth? 4. The true reason for the remedy.

This rule was elucidated in Heydon’s Case (1584) and is particularly effective for addressing social issues and aligning statutory interpretation with the legislation's intended social benefits. It focuses on the "mischief" or problem that the statute was intended to address and seeks to interpret the statute in a way that suppresses the mischief and advances the remedy.

Dias notes that while the propositions in Heydon’s Case were adequate for the limited kind of legislation existing at the time, they need to be broadened to accommodate contemporary statutes that operate on a much larger scale and often involve complex social experiments. Modern applications of the Mischief Rule often involve a more purposive approach, considering the broader context and social objectives of the legislation.

Application of Interpretation Methods

The application of these interpretation methods requires a careful balance between literal meaning, legislative intent, and practical outcomes. Courts employ various internal and external aids to assist in this interpretive process.

Internal Aids

Internal aids refer to elements within the statute itself that help clarify its meaning: - Definitions: Specific terms defined within the statute. - Exceptions and Explanations: Clauses that provide context or limit the application of certain provisions. - Preamble: The introductory statement that outlines the statute's purpose. - Scheme: The overall structure and organization of the statute. - Headings and Marginal Notes: Section titles and notes that can provide insight into the legislative intent. - Non-Obstante Clauses: Provisions that specify that certain sections override others.

These internal aids help ensure that the statute is interpreted as a cohesive whole, avoiding inconsistencies and ambiguities.

External Aids

External aids include materials outside the statute that provide context and background: - Legislative History: The historical context and development of the statute. - Reports and Committee Findings: Documents produced by legislative committees that shed light on the intent behind the statute. - Dictionaries: Definitions of terms as they were understood at the time of the statute's enactment. - Parliamentary Debates: Discussions and debates that occurred during the legislative process.

External aids are particularly useful when the language of the statute is ambiguous or when the internal aids do not provide sufficient clarity.

The Modern Approach to Statutory Interpretation

The modern approach to statutory interpretation combines elements of all three traditional methods, emphasizing a purposive and contextual understanding of legislative intent. This approach is less rigid and more pragmatic, recognizing the need to adapt interpretations to contemporary contexts and social realities.

Purposeful Construction

Purposeful construction focuses on interpreting statutes in a way that furthers their overall purpose and legislative intent. This method requires a broader examination of the statute's context, including its historical background, the problem it seeks to address, and its intended social impact. As noted by Chinnappa Reddy J. in Workmen of American Express International Banking Corporation v. Management of American Express International Banking Corporation:

"Welfare statutes must, of necessity, receive a broad interpretation. Where legislation is designed to give relief against certain kinds of mischief, the Court is not to make inroads by making etymological excursions."

Purposeful construction aligns with the principle that laws should promote justice, social welfare, and public good, rather than being confined to rigid textual interpretations.

Functional Construction Rule

Francis Bennion's "Functional Construction Rule" elaborates on purposeful construction by emphasizing that interpretation should give effect to the legislative purpose. This involves: - Following the literal meaning when it aligns with the legislative purpose. - Applying a strained meaning when the literal interpretation would defeat the legislative purpose.

Bennion highlights the shift in appellate courts away from purely literal interpretations toward purposive constructions that consider the broader legislative context and objectives.

Contextual and Harmonious Interpretation

A balanced interpretation of statutes involves considering every part of the statute in relation to the whole, ensuring that no provision is rendered ineffective or contradictory. This approach avoids the pitfall of interpreting provisions in isolation, which can lead to inconsistencies and unintended outcomes.

Courts aim to harmonize different provisions, giving full effect to the statute's purpose and ensuring that the interpretation is coherent and effective. This method aligns with the principle that statutes should be interpreted in a way that promotes their practical application and societal goals.


The methods of statutory interpretation—Literal or Plain Meaning Rule, Golden Rule, and Mischief Rule—each offer unique approaches to understanding and applying the law. While the Literal Rule emphasizes textual clarity, the Golden Rule allows for modifications to avoid absurdity, and the Mischief Rule focuses on the statute's purpose and the problem it seeks to address.

Modern statutory interpretation integrates these methods into a purposive and contextual approach, recognizing the dynamic nature of language and the evolving contexts in which statutes operate. By using internal and external aids, courts strive to interpret statutes in a way that aligns with legislative intent, promotes justice, and addresses contemporary social issues.

This comprehensive approach ensures that statutory interpretation remains relevant and effective, adapting to the complexities of modern legislation and societal needs.


Dr. M.P. Tandon, "Interpretation of Statutes"


Written By Akhlaqur Rahman



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