Environmental Liability Principles


Saman Parveen

5 min read • 07:06 AM - January 23, 2024



Environmental liability principles encompass a range of legal and regulatory frameworks designed to hold individuals, businesses, and governments accountable for environmental damage and pollution. These principles are essential for ensuring that those responsible for environmental harm bear the costs of remediation, restoration, and compensation. By doing so, they promote environmental protection and sustainability.

Key principles of environmental liability include:

1. Inter-generational Equity: This principle emphasizes the responsibility of each generation to preserve the natural inheritance for future generations. It highlights the need to conserve biological diversity and renewable resources for the benefit of present and future human beings.

2. Intra-generational Equity: Intra-generational equity focuses on ensuring fairness in the distribution and utilization of resources among individuals within the same generation. It calls for responsible and moderate use of both renewable and non-renewable resources.

3. The Precautionary Principle: This principle advocates for proactive measures to prevent environmental degradation, even in the absence of conclusive scientific evidence. It underscores the importance of taking precautionary actions to avoid potential harm to the environment.

4. The Polluter Pays Principle: According to this principle, those who pollute or cause environmental harm should bear the costs of remediation and restoration. It holds polluters financially responsible for the damage they cause, including compensation for affected parties and ecological restoration.

In the case of Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action v. UOI, remediation of the damaged environment is part of the process of “sustainable development” and as such the polluter is liable to pay the cost to the individual sufferers al and well as the cost of reversing the damaged ecology.

5. Public Trust Doctrine: This doctrine asserts that certain natural resources, such as air, water, and forests, are held in trust by the government for the benefit of the public. It prohibits the privatization of these resources and mandates their protection and conservation for public use and enjoyment.

Case- MC Mehta v. Kamal Nath & Ors. [Span Motels case]

The case is regarded as one of the significant judgements in interpreting and applying the public trust doctrine in sprit and substance. This doctrine imposes three kinds of restrictions on the state-

(i) the property must not only be used for a public purpose; it must be available for use by the general public.

(ii) the property must not be sold, even for fair cash equivalent; and

(iii) the property must be maintained for particular kind of uses, such as navigation, recreation or fishery.

Case- M.I. Builders v. Radhey Shyam Sahu-

The SC held that the Mahapalika, as a trustee, for the proper management of the public park, has to be more cautious in dealing with its properties. It thus held that the authority by allowing an underground shopping complex to come up below a public park violated the doctrine of public trust and ordered the demolition of the strictures and restoration of the park.

6. Use and Conservation of Natural Resources: This principle emphasizes the sustainable use of Earth's natural resources to meet present and future needs. It calls for reducing unsustainable patterns of production and consumption to achieve sustainable development.

7. Environmental Protection: Strong environmental protection measures are essential for supporting sustainable development efforts. Effective environmental policies complement and reinforce initiatives aimed at achieving sustainability.

8. Obligation to Assist and Cooperate: Environmental problems are global issues that require collective action and cooperation among nations. Collaboration is necessary to address environmental challenges effectively.

9. Eradication of Poverty: Poverty reduction is essential for promoting environmentally sound development, particularly in lower-income countries. Addressing poverty can contribute to sustainable development goals and environmental protection efforts.

10. Financial Assistance to Developing Countries: Providing financial assistance and technology transfer to developing nations is crucial for supporting their efforts toward sustainable development and environmental protection.

Additional principles include:

- Strict Liability: Individuals or entities responsible for environmental harm can be held liable for damages regardless of fault or negligence.

- Joint and Several Liability: Multiple parties may be collectively and individually liable for environmental damages, ensuring that affected parties can seek compensation from any liable party.

- Proportionate Liability: Responsibility for environmental harm is assigned based on each party's contribution to the damage, rather than imposing full liability on any single party.

- Statute of Limitations: Legal provisions specify the timeframe for initiating legal action for environmental damage, ensuring timely resolution of claims.

- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): While not a legal principle, CSR encourages businesses to take responsibility for their environmental impacts and adopt practices that minimize harm.

In conclusion, environmental liability principles form the basis of environmental regulation and enforcement, promoting sustainable development, resource conservation, and protection of public health and the environment.


Written By Saman Parveen

BALLB (2019-24) Aligarh Muslim University


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