Call For Paper Edinburgh Student Law Review


The Edinburgh Student Law Review is delighted to announce it will begin accepting submissions for the 2024 edition! We welcome original and insightful contributions on a wide array of legal topics. Submissions must demonstrate a high degree of original and rigorous analysis and clarity of argument. Accepted papers will be featured in the Edinburgh Student Law Review 2024 edition. Please pay close attention to the submission guidelines outlined below:


We welcome submissions from any topic within the legal field. This scope includes both Scots Law and International Law. Submissions could be from the following categories, and within the word counts that are indicated:

Case Notes: Up to 3,000 words (Including footnotes)
Short Articles: Up to 5,000 words (Including footnotes)
Legal Book Reviews: Up to 5,000 words (Including footnotes)
Long Articles: Up to 10,000 words (Including footnotes)
Blog posts: 1,500 words

Submissions are welcome from all year groups, including both postgraduate and undergraduate students.
Submissions are also welcome from law students at other institutions and recent law graduates.
The submission has not been previously published and has not been submitted to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in comments to the editor).
We welcome submissions of honours-level and postgraduate course essays, or dissertations as well as original non-course related work.

House Style

All submissions should conform with the OSCOLA referencing style. Please see:
Submissions should also conform with the stylistic requirements of the journal which can be found in our house style guidance document. Full list of the submission requirements and guidelines could be found in the following link:
ImageEdinburgh Student Law Review Submission Guide.docx

Submission Information

Papers should be submitted as a Word/Google Document (.doc/.docx).
Papers should be sent to the Edinburgh Student Law Review via email:
Papers must be submitted by the 19/04/2024, 5pm deadline.

We look forward to receiving your contributions. For inquiries or further information, please contact us through the ESLR email: or the ESLR Instagram:



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