Suits for Breach of Contract


Akhlaqur Rahman

13 min read • 06:06 AM - May 25, 2024



Contracts for the sale of goods form the backbone of commercial transactions, underpinning the exchange of products and services in both domestic and international trade. The legal framework governing these contracts is critical in ensuring that parties adhere to their obligations and in providing remedies when breaches occur. In India, the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, complemented by the Indian Contract Act, 1872, outlines the rights and responsibilities of sellers and buyers, as well as the remedies available in cases of breach.

A breach of contract in the context of the sale of goods can lead to significant financial and operational repercussions for the aggrieved party. Sellers and buyers must navigate the complexities of legal provisions to seek redress and enforce their rights effectively. This includes actions for recovery of price, damages for non-delivery or non-acceptance, specific performance, and interest on delayed payments. Each remedy has specific conditions and implications, guided by statutory provisions and judicial precedents.

For sellers, the primary recourse in case of a buyer's default is to sue for the price of the goods or for damages resulting from non-acceptance. The calculation of damages typically considers the difference between the contract price and the market price at the time of breach, ensuring that the seller is compensated for the financial loss suffered. Conversely, buyers can seek damages for non-delivery, compel specific performance of the contract, or claim compensation for breaches of warranty. These legal remedies are designed to restore the injured party to the position they would have been in had the contract been fulfilled.

Understanding the nuances of these legal principles is essential for both sellers and buyers to protect their interests and ensure the smooth functioning of commercial transactions. The following discussion delves into the various types of suits that can be filed for breach of contract under the Sale of Goods Act and the Indian Contract Act, illustrating the practical application of these laws through relevant case studies and legal interpretations. This comprehensive overview aims to provide clarity on the remedies available to parties in the event of a breach, highlighting the mechanisms through which justice can be sought in the complex landscape of commercial law.

Suits by the Seller Against the Buyer

1. Suit for Price

A buyer is obligated to pay the price for goods as stipulated in the contract. If the buyer fails to do so, the seller has the right to sue for the price of the goods. This right is particularly applicable when the property in the goods has passed to the buyer, and the buyer wrongfully neglects or refuses to pay. The seller must show that the goods have been transferred and that the buyer's failure to pay constitutes wrongful neglect or refusal.

A key case illustrating this principle is Dunlop v. Grote, where a contract for iron stipulated payment by a certain date irrespective of whether the delivery was fully completed. The buyer's failure to take delivery of all the iron did not prevent the seller from recovering the agreed price. The court held that the seller was entitled to the entire contract price, even though only part of the delivery had been made by the specified date.

Additionally, if goods are sold on credit, the price becomes payable at the end of the credit period. Until this period expires, the seller cannot bring an action for the recovery of the price. However, once the price is due, the seller can recover it as any other debt. This right is enforceable regardless of whether the buyer has taken delivery of the goods. The seller's right to recover the price is independent of delivery when the contract specifies payment on a certain date. Even if the goods have not yet been delivered, the seller can still claim the price if the buyer fails to pay on the stipulated date.

2. Suit for Damages

The buyer has a duty to accept and pay for the goods as per the contract. If the buyer fails to pay, the seller can sue for the price if the property in the goods has passed to the buyer or if the price is to be paid on a specified date. However, if the buyer wrongfully neglects or refuses to accept the goods, the seller may sue for damages for non-acceptance under Section 56. This scenario typically arises when the property in the goods has not yet passed to the buyer. The seller, still being the owner, can dispose of the goods and claim damages for any loss incurred as per Section 73 of the Indian Contract Act.

A relevant case is Bungo Steel Furniture v. Union of India, where the government wrongfully terminated a contract for steel bins before they were manufactured. The court ruled that since the property in the goods had not passed to the buyer, the seller was entitled to damages rather than the full price.

Measure of Damages

Damages are assessed based on the loss that naturally arises from the breach in the usual course of things. If a buyer breaches a contract by refusing to accept goods, damages are calculated based on the difference between the contract price and the market price at the time of the breach. For example, if a buyer refuses to accept a radio set priced at Rs. 500/- and the market price at the time of the breach is Rs. 400/-, the seller can claim Rs. 100/- in damages.

In Suresh Kumar v. M. Assan Koya & Sons, the buyer refused delivery, and the seller sold the goods at market price. The court allowed the seller to claim the difference between the contract price and the market price as damages. This principle aligns with English law, as outlined in Section 50 of the English Sale of Goods Act, which provides for damages based on the difference between the contract price and market price at the time of the breach.

Suits by the Buyer Against the Seller

1. Damages for Non-Delivery

When the seller wrongfully neglects or refuses to deliver the goods, the buyer may sue for damages for non-delivery under Sections 55 and 56. The measure of damages is similar to that in any other breach of contract and is governed by Sections 73 and 74 of the Indian Contract Act. The buyer can recover compensation for losses that naturally arise in the usual course of things due to the breach.

A case highlighting the importance of primary evidence in such suits is where the lack of primary evidence regarding delivery of goods to the defendants led to the plaintiff's case failing. This emphasizes the necessity for concrete proof of delivery in such disputes.

2. Suit for Specific Performance

Under Section 58, the buyer may sue for specific performance if damages are inadequate, especially for unique goods. This action compels the seller to deliver the specific goods promised. A suit for specific performance is only possible if the contract involves specific or ascertained goods and meets the criteria in Chapter II of the Specific Relief Act, 1963. Notably, this remedy is available only to the buyer and not the seller.

3. Remedy for Breach of Warranty

Section 12(3) states that a breach of warranty allows the buyer to claim damages but not reject the goods or repudiate the contract. Per Section 13, a breach of condition can be treated as a breach of warranty if the buyer accepts the goods or part thereof. Under Section 59, the buyer can either set up the breach in diminution or extinction of the price or sue for damages.

If the buyer accepts goods not conforming to specifications without rejecting them or notifying the seller, it amounts to a waiver of the condition. The buyer then cannot withhold payment based on the breach.

Measure of Damages for Breach of Warranty

Damages for breach of warranty are assessed under Section 73 of the Indian Contract Act. They include losses naturally arising from the breach. For instance, if a buyer's wife dies from consuming unfit canned salmon, the buyer can claim reasonable medical and funeral expenses. In Mason v. Burningham, the buyer was entitled to recover the price paid for a stolen typewriter plus the cost of overhauling it.

In cases like Randall v. Newson, where a defective pole caused injury to horses, the plaintiff was awarded both the price of the pole and the consequential losses. Similarly, a buyer can claim damages for defective goods if they naturally arise from the defect.

Interest by Way of Damages

Section 73 of the Indian Contract Act allows for special damages for losses known to the parties at the time of contract formation. Section 61 of the Sale of Goods Act preserves this right and includes interest as a form of damages.

Seller's Right to Interest on Price

The seller can claim interest on the price if the buyer delays payment. Interest is awarded from the date the price was payable. In the absence of a specific contract for interest, Section 61(2) gives courts wide discretion to award interest as deemed just.

Buyer's Right to Interest or Refund of Price

If the buyer has paid the price but the seller fails to deliver, the buyer is entitled to a refund with interest. For example, if a buyer returns a stolen car, they can claim the price paid plus interest. This principle was upheld in State Trading Corporation v. Tara Jewellers, where the court awarded interest on a refund due to a frustrated contract.

Anticipatory Breach of Contract

An anticipatory breach occurs when a party indicates before the performance date that they will not fulfill the contract. Under Section 60, the non-breaching party can either treat the contract as rescinded and sue for damages immediately or wait until the performance date. If the promisor does not perform by the due date, the promisee can claim damages based on the market conditions on the due date.

For instance, if A agrees to supply sugar to B by March 1st but informs B on February 1st of non-delivery, B can sue immediately or wait until March 1st. If B waits and A fails to deliver, B can claim damages based on March 1st prices.

Suit for Recovery of Price of Goods

Section 61(2) grants the court discretion to award interest from the date the payment was due. This is applicable even in the absence of a specific contract for interest.

Implied Terms and Conditions

Even without express terms, the seller may be entitled to interest on the price of goods sold, as evidenced by billing provisions and auction terms under Sections 62 and 64.


the legal framework governing suits for breach of contract under the Sale of Goods Act and the Indian Contract Act provides comprehensive remedies for both sellers and buyers. Sellers can sue for the price or damages for non-acceptance, while buyers can seek damages for non-delivery, specific performance, and remedies for breach of warranty. The principles of interest and anticipatory breach further ensure that both parties can recover appropriate compensation for losses incurred due to breaches of contract.


Written By Akhlaqur Rahman



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